Star Wars Quiz

This quiz will test your knowledge on the Lore, Characters, etc. of Star Wars

The content will included the lore from legends, monies(No the last Jedi I haven't seen it yet) and etc.

Let's get started.

What is the first known galactic government in the universe of Star Wars ?

That is not quite correct my friend. The Correct answer is the Infinite Empire which establish the galactic government system many years before 3,6453 BBY.

That is Correct my friend.

Not even close.The Correct answer is the Infinite Empire

What is the ancient planet the Jedi Started their Order, Codes, and eventually become an influence on the Republic

Correct! And in the VideoGame : StarWars The Old Republic they returned to Thython to retreat from the Empire.

Incorrect! that planet is the origin of the Sith !

How did Princess Liea Retrieved the Death Star's plan

Correct that is kinda sad though.

Wrong! I thought that one was simple but, no worries

You have finished the quiz hope you have a great experience on the quiz thank you and May The Force Be With You.